Un resolution 2231 pdf

If you have reached this site from a web link, through your internet options, adjust your privacy settings to allow cookies or. Verification and monitoring in the islamic republic of iran. United nations security council resolution 2334 was adopted on 23 december 2016. We invite you to return to that council resolution. Mike flynn, earlier said the missile test was in defiance of u. The security council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Gov201735 verification and monitoring in the islamic. The 2231 list includes the individuals and entities that were specified on the list established.

Hundred and twentyeighth plenary meeting 29 november 1947 at its hundred and twentyeighth plenary meeting on 29 november 1947 the general assembly, in accordance with the terms of the above resolution 181 a, elected the following members of the united nations commission on palestine. Ares181ii of 29 november 1947 question of palestine. Unscr 2231 implements the 2015 nuclear agreement with iran and imposes missile and armsrelated restrictions. United nations security council resolution 2231 was a july 20th, 2015 resolution endorsing the joint comprehensive plan of action on the nuclear program of iran.

Decides, acting under article 41 of the charter of the united nations, also that the measures imposed in resolutions 1696 2006, 1737 2006, 1747 2007, 1803 2008, 1835 2008 and 1929 2010. Eastern this morning, unanimously approved the iran nuclear deal, resolution 2231, 150. Vereinte nationen s res 2231 2015 sicherheitsrat verteilung. Resolution 2231 requires all member states to restrict until october. The united nations secretariat also provides support to the work of the security council and its facilitator in implementing resolution 2231 2015, including by assisting the facilitator in. It sets out an inspection process and schedule while also preparing for the removal of united nations sanctions against iran. Resolution 2231, which was adopted in july 2015, prohibits arms transfers to or from iran, but only for five years, and contains a voluntary restriction on irans development of nuclearcapable ballistic missiles for only up to eight years. Transmits report on the implementation of resolution 2231 2015 on the joint comprehensive plan of action jcpoa on the islamic republic of irans nuclear. Jul 20, 2015 guess the obama administration isnt waiting for congress. May 15, 2014 the policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate as widely as possible the ideas contained in the united nations publications. Letter dated 21 june 2019 from the security council. Resolution 1696 the security council passed resolution 1696 by a 14 to 1 vote on july 31, 2006. Security council resolution 2231 2015 report by the director general.

United nations sres1970 2011 security council distr general 26 february 2011 1124558 e 1124558 resolution 1970 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6491st meeting, on 26 february 2011 the security council, expressing grave concern at the situation in the libyan arab jamahiriya and. Resolution 2231 2015 on iran nuclear issue the united nations. It called for the withdrawal of israeli forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict and affirmed the right of every state in the region to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries. The report was circulated to the council on 1 july, pursuant to annex b to resolution 2231 2015 and paragraph 7 of the note by the president of the security council, issued on 16 january 2016 s201644. The report shows a lot of other things that the world has thus far ignored, including but not limited to. Jarring mission special representative to middle east appointed under res. Verification and monitoring in the islamic republic of. Provides an assessment of the implementation of the resolution, including findings and recommendations, since the issuance of the 6th report of the secretarygeneral s20181089, on 6 dec. If you dislike the jcpoa because it is the legacy of your domestic political rivals, then we invite you to come back to the security council resolution.

United nations security council resolution 2231 wikipedia. United nations security council resolution 2334 wikipedia. Security council resolution 2231 endorsing the iran nuclear deal. Verification and monitoring in the islamic republic of iran in light of united nations security council resolution 2231 2015 international atomic energy agency january 16. This report of the director general to the board of governors and, in parallel, to the united nations security council security council, is on the islamic republic of irans irans implementation of its. Transmits report on the implementation of resolution 2231 2015 on the joint comprehensive plan of action jcpoa on the islamic republic of irans nuclear programme. Resolution 2231 2015 further stipulates that if the security council does not adopt a resolution to continue in effect the termination of previous resolutions, then effective midnight gmt after.

Recalling its resolution 2070 xx of 16 december 1965, and the consensus adopted by the special committee on the situation with regard to the implementation of. United nations sres 2231 2015 security council distr general 20 july 2015 resolution 2231 2015 1512243 e 1512243 adopted by the security council at its 7488th meeting, on 20 july 2015 the security council, recalling the statement of its president, sprst200615, and its resolutions. Republic of iran in light of united nations security council resolution 2231 2015 report by the director general. Four members with united nations security council veto power, china, france, russia, and the united kingdom, voted. Resolution 2231 urges iran to refrain from activity related to the establishment of nuclear weapons. More must be done to investigate allegations of noncompliance and to punish violations of the resolution. Tomorrow afternoon 18 january, the security council will hold a briefing on the implementation of resolution 2231, adopted on 20 july 2015, which endorsed the joint comprehensive plan of action jcpoa on irans nuclear programme. Bolivia, czechoslovakia, denmark, panama and philippines. Republic of iran in light of united nations security council resolution 2231 2015 report by the director general a. The israelis supported the resolution because it called on the arab states to accept israels right to live in peace within. Semiannual briefing on implementation of resolution. United nations sres1718 2006 security council distr general 14 october 2006 0657207 e 0657207 resolution 1718 2006 adopted by the security council at its 5551st meeting, on 14 october 2006 the security council, recalling its previous relevant resolutions, including resolution 825 1993.

Security council, general assembly, economic and social council and human rights council resolutions are issued as individual documents. Guess the obama administration isnt waiting for congress. United nations sres1747 2007 security council distr general 24 march 2007 0728140 e 0728140 resolution 1747 2007 adopted by the security council at its 5647th meeting on 24 march 2007 the security council, recalling the statement of its president, sprst200615, of 29 march 2006. If you dislike the jcpoa because it is the legacy of your domestic political rivals, then we invite you to. Security council, adopting resolution 2231 2015, endorses joint comprehensive agreement on irans nuclear programme united nations zarif. Also, eu foreign policy spokeswoman nabila massrali said a ballistic missile test would not violate the nuclear deal with world powers, but added that it was inconsistent with resolution 2231. This report of the director general to the board of governors and, in parallel, to the united nations security council security council, is on the islamic republic of irans irans. The 2231 list includes the individuals and entities that were specified on the list established and maintained by the security council committee established pursuant to resolution 1737 2006 as.

United nations sres2231 2015 security council distr general 20 july 2015 resolution 2231 2015 1512243 e 1512243 adopted by the security council at its 7488th meeting, on 20 july 2015 the security council, recalling the statement of its president, sprst200615, and its resolutions. Under the deal, iran agreed to limit its nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief. Zarif hammers us, europe for flimsy misreading of unscr 2231. Security council on the first report of the secretarygeneral on the implementation of resolution 2231 2015. The resolution passed in a 140 vote by members of the u. Recalling resolution 2249 2015, in which the security council condemns in the strongest terms the gross, systematic, and widespread abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law by isil also known as daesh, and resolution 2253 2015, in which the security council condemns in the strongest terms abductions of women.

United nations general assembly resolution 2231 wikisource. Having heard the statements of the administering power and the representative of spain. Implementation of security council resolution 2231 2015. This afternoon 27 june, the security council will hold its semiannual briefing on the implementation of resolution 2231, adopted in july 2015, which endorsed the joint comprehensive plan of action jcpoa on irans nuclear programme. Jarring mission special representative to middle east appointed under. Resolution 2231 2015 provides for the termination of the provisions of previous security council resolutions on the iranian nuclear issue and. It concerns the israeli settlements in palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including east jerusalem. The jcpoa likewise provides for its integration with security council action. We invite you to come back to the negotiating table you left. Confrontation between the united states and iran global. Semiannual briefing on implementation of resolution 2231. United nations security council resolution 2231 was a july 20th, 2015 resolution endorsing. The security council resolution requests reports from the iaea on implementation of the deal and the agencys efforts to reach a broader conclusion about irans nuclear program. United nations sres1929 2010 security council distr general 9 june 2010 1039679 e 1039679 resolution 1929 2010 adopted by the security council at its 6335th meeting, on 9 june 2010 the security council, recalling the statement of its president, sprst200615, and its resolutions.

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